Upcoming film "Cooktales" will feature Michelle Yeoh and Henry Lau
卡司 Cast and Crew:
故事 Storyline:
"Cooktales"是一部家庭戲劇有關烹飪的故事, 描述一個三代家庭因個人差異歧見而分開, 又因烹飪將他們重新聚在了一起。一個成年的美食主義廚師必須扭轉他的家庭命運的故事.
The film is a family drama and about cooking. Personal differences break apart a family of three generations and cooking brings them back together, An epicurean coming-of-age tale of an cook who has to deal with the twisted fate of his family. (mentioned from MichelleYeoh)
電影製作新聞 Production News
"Cooktales"的拍攝正在泰國進行, 是一部故事場景在新加坡家庭有關於烹飪的英語劇情片. 這部延遲很久的電影是由韓國導演Gina KIM 김진아執導, 和亞洲巨星楊紫瓊領銜主演. 由韓國娛樂巨頭CJ E&M和美國CorpBrett RATNER合作投資.
"Cooktales"是有關一個美食主義的業餘廚師必須扭轉他的家庭命運的故事. 製片人是新加坡Keiko BANG's Bang Singapore Pte Ltd 和 CJ Entertainment Inc CJ엔터테인먼트.
預期今年6月底完成拍攝, 並定於2012年年底或2013年初發布
其他演員包括Chin Han, Henry Lau and Chang Tseng
這部影片先前是在2010年11月宣布,由新加坡的Media Development Authority (MDA)透過Asia Media & Technology Capital投資公司投資。現兩家公司不再參與。
電 影製作因為導演Gina KIM的生病而延遲,間斷期間,新加坡政府改變其籌資政策和退出影片的支持,離開CJ-並撤回800萬美元的投資預算。分開后的CJ已同意了美國導演 Brett Ratner的發展合作協議, 協議案涉及了Rat Entertainment's John Chen和 CJ Entertainment's HONG Min-young 홍민영 overseeing screenwriters J.P. LAVIN 和 Chad DAMIANI 的電影經銷權. 該協議已由CJ's Miky LEE 이미경和新任命的國際業務的鄭泰嵩정태성簽属.
Production is now underway in Thailand on Cooktales, an English-language drama about food and family set in Singapore.The much-delayed film is directed by South Korea's Gina KIM 김진아 and stars Asian superstar Michelle YEOH . It is finally financed by Korean entertainment giant CJ E&M Corp, which is also hatching a new US project with Brett RATNER (see below).
Cooktales is an epicurean coming-of-age tale of an cook who has to deal with the twisted fate of his family. Production is by Keiko BANG's Bang Singapore Pte Ltd and CJ Entertainment Inc CJ엔터테인먼트. Shooting is expected to continue to the end of June, with a release for the end of 2012 or early 2013.
Other cast include Chin Han, Henry Lau and Chang Tseng.
The film was previously announced in Nov 2010 as a venture backed by Singapore's Media Development Authority (MDA) through its New Feature Film Fund and by investment firm Asia Media & Technology Capital. Neither company is involved any longer.
Production was delayed by Kim's recent illness, but during the hiatus the Singapore government changed its funding policies and withdrew its support from the film, leaving CJ to pick up the $8 million budget.
Separately CJ has agreed with US director Brett Ratner to develop buddy action adventure franchise The Golden Age.
The deal involves Rat Entertainment's John Cheng and CJ Entertainment's HONG Min-young 홍민영 overseeing screenwriters J.P. LAVIN and Chad DAMIANI scripting what is intended to be a franchise, involving a British puzzle expert, a Chinese police officer and a mysterious Chinese female pirate on the hunt for China's hidden treasures. Ratner is considering directing the first film in the series The Golden Age: The Lost Treasure of Zheng He.
The agreement was announced by CJ's Miky LEE 이미경 and newly appointed head of international business JEONG Tae-sung 정태성.
(Film Business Asia by: Patrick Frater)
拍攝新聞Shooting News:
120621 Henry離泰回韓 Henry leaving Thailand to return to Korea. photo: @Mukkys
120615 Cooktales電影殺青派對 Cooktales wrap party!
亨利和戲中演他小時候的小男孩Tempo(with the little boy"Tempo"-- he plays as young Henry in the film) photo:@Cho_kyuteen13
120613 Cooktales 即將殺青 Thailand filming of Cooktales will wrap up soon.
120605 Henry五月與楊紫瓊小姐,還有劇中演員合照
Henry with Michelle and cast members, May 2012 (source:michelleyeoh.info)
120601 有關這部電影, 楊紫瓊提到:三代間的男人因為追求自己的理想而分開,我飾演一個試圖使他們重新凝聚在一起的女人. 故事背景是一個烹飪節目,楊紫瓊在昨日出席一個時裝秀接受媒體採訪時談到Cooktales。 我有一個愉快和輕鬆的時間,大家都非常努力地學習烹飪 - 切菜,擺盤,餃子,麵條等
“Cooktales”描述一個美食主義的業餘廚師必須處理了他家庭扭曲命運的故事”,看來Super Junior-M的 Henry Lau領銜主演在劇中的角色Mark。
About the movie, Michelle mentioned that, "Three generations of men are separated for pursuing their own ideals. I am the woman who tries to bring them back together. The background of the story is a cooking show," Michelle spoke about Cooktales during media interviews when she attended a fashion show yesterday. "I'm having a pleasant and easy time. Everyone else worked very hard to learn cooking - chopping, dishes, dumplings, noodles, etc., (source:michelleyeoh.info)
“Cooktales” is described as an “epicurean coming-of-age tale of an amateur cook who has to deal with the twisted fate of his family.” It seems that Super Junior-M’s Henry Lau is the lead in the film, playing the character Mark. (source: michelleyeoh.info)
120524 根據報導, 電影拍攝預計6月底結束, 並於2012年底或明年初上映
According to the report, Cooktales shooting is expected to continue to the end of June, with a release scheduled for the end of 2012 or early 2013. (source:michelleyeoh.info)
120522 Cooktales拍攝地點包括片場和泰國國際機場, 曼谷已經滾燙(到達攝氏40度)
Cooktales filming locations in Thailand include Workpoint and Bangkok International Airport. Bangkok has been boiling hot (reached 104F/40C)...(source:michelleyeoh.info)
120521 連日來氣溫標示著攝氏39度高溫, 片場除了外面天氣,加上照明和各種裝備噴出來的熱潮, 在炎熱天氣下進行拍攝, 辛苦是超乎想像的. 好像穿著衣服在三溫暖(桑拿浴池)裡待整天的感覺, 這部電影是酷暑和意志力之間的鬥爭.
In recent days the weather marked the high temperature of 39°c, in addition of the weather outside made the studio really hot, the lighting and various types of equipment boom erupted, shooting under the hot weather, hard work is beyond imagination.
The feeling just like you are clothed inside the sauna and stay in a full day, this film is the struggle between the heat and the willpower ..(source:wedding_guru blog)
(左上:廚房拍攝一角 右上:臨時演員大量衣服 左下:楊紫瓊小姐 右下:住宿附近一間咖啡廳)
120510 Henry照片就貼在顯眼的卡司板上, 還有戲中配件來自Salvatore Ferragamo的贊助
Actor Henry's photo on the wall plate & Sponsorship accessories from "Salvatore Ferragamo" (source:wedding_guru blog)
在車上的人是一個扮演主要角色“馬克”,Super Junior的成員 - 亨利。
我 們的男主角,為了在酷暑中等待他的歌迷而拍了一張大合照。韓流魅力,我第一次親眼目睹和感受到。因為Super-Junior成員經常長時間在海 外進行 活動,所以老實說在他參與這部電影之前,我是不知道他的存在的。不論是酒店,還是拍攝的工作現場,無論到哪裡都有他的粉絲的踪跡。他是Super- Junior中的海外成員。參加了加拿大舉辦的選拔賽,進而被李秀滿老師提拔而進入。他可不是什麼普普通通背著小提琴的參選者,這個決定是經過長時間的考 慮, 是通過小提琴演奏維瓦第的《四季-冬》相當高難度的曲子, 還有Michale-Jackson的”月球漫步“. 仔細挑選出來的。
飾演Henry的父親的廚師大衛是由chin∼han扮演, 他在新加坡出生, 他的第一部電影是以"蝙蝠俠”的反派角色露臉並開始了演藝生崖.
The person in the van was the one who played main role "Mark", a member of Super Junior(M)--Henry.
For the male lead, the fans who was waiting for him even in the really hot weather. Korean Wave,this is my first time to directly feel this and sense this.
Super Junior(M) members overseas activities outside of Korea only does this project involved a matter of fact, I even did not know him until he participate in this movie.
Hotel; which was filming studio Ohdeon London, there are always fans camped out wherever he is.
Activities abroad in order to audition for the Super Junior members, who visited Canada, teacher Lee Soo Man has been appointed and introduced him.
He's not just the simple auditions participants appeared carrying a violin, this is the decision that made after a long time consider-Violin "Vivaldi Four Seasons-Winter" in a very difficult song! and playing Michael Jackson moon walk.
Chef David - who played the role of Henry father in the movie(Chin~Han), he was born in Singapore. His first movie was appeared in the movie"Batman", played a bad character.
(source:wedding_guru blog) photo: @janechovy
120509 楊紫瓊小姐的新戲, Cooktales(暫定),四月中在泰國曼谷開始拍攝.
Michelle's new film, Cooktales (working title), started filming in Bangkok, Thailand in the middle of April.
故事背景在新加坡, 由南韓導演Gina Kim(Never Forever)執導和編劇. 這項計畫最早在2010年11月在AFM發佈. 電影製作原計畫在去年夏天於新加坡和中國並在楊紫瓊小姐忙碌於她最後電影The Lady宣傳旅程之前開始, 它後來延遲至今年是因為導演在拍攝前生病.
Set in Singapore, the story is written and directed by South Korea's writer-director Gina Kim (Never Forever). The project was first announced at AFM in November 2010. The production was planned to begin last summer in Singapore and China before Michelle's busy promotional tour on her latest film The Lady. It got postponed to this year because the director fell sick before the scheduled shooting.
楊紫瓊在最近的訪問說到這是一部有關烹飪描述一個三代家庭因個人差異歧見而分開, 又因烹飪將他們重新聚在一起。新加坡演員Chin Han (The Dark Knight)和華裔加拿大歌手-作曲家-舞者Henry Lau 將飾演父子.
其他演員包括香港演員Chang Tseng (2012),澳洲演員Aden Young (Mao's Last Dancer),日本模特兒和演員Lika Minamoto,韓裔美國演員和喜劇演員Bobby Lee (MADtv),還有百老匯女演員Lori Tan Chinn. 這當中的一些主, 配角在三月時就已經在曼谷爲拍攝學習烹飪.
In recent interviews Michelle said the film is a family drama and about cooking. Personal differences break apart a family of three generations and cooking brings them back together. Singaporean actor Chin Han (The Dark Knight) and Chinese Canadian singer-songwriter-dancer Henry Lau will play father and son. Other cast members include Hong Kong actor Chang Tseng (2012), Australian actor Aden Young (Mao's Last Dancer), Japanese model and actress Lika Minamoto, Korean American actor and comedian Bobby Lee (MADtv), and Broadway actress Lori Tan Chinn. Some of the main and supporting actors were in Bangkok in March, learning cooking in preparation for the shooting.
楊紫瓊在這部片的角色是飾演一個烹飪電視節目的製作人, 一個“烹飪大師....這部電影以英語進行拍攝.
Michelle's character in the film is described as an "executive producer on a prestigious television cooking show" and "culinary grand master". More relationships will be revealed as we learn more about the story. The film is being shot in English. (source:michelleyeoh.info)
Henry泰國拍片期間照片 some photos of Henry during filming in Thailand, the photos credit as tag.
More relationships will be revealed as we learn more about the story.
cr: Henry Lau FansPage